Von Hirsch Females
Plush Von Hause Milsped
Plush Von Hause Milsped is a daughter of World Champion Astor Von Junipera who needs no introduction to the Rottweiler world. Out of a Diva Vom Agram Berg IPO 1 (Osco Vom Haus Edelstein x Ayke Od Vadanora by Merlin Flash Rouse)We have recently added Plush to our breeding program. We are very excited about her!
Sami Von Hause Milsped
Sami von Hause Milsped is a up and coming star! Sami is sired by Ork von Hause Milsped IPO 1( Irk von Hause Milsped X Doxa Earl Antonius by Gil Von Hause Milsped)out of Diva Vom Agram Berg IPO 1 (Osco Vom Haus Edelstein x Ayke Od Vadanora by Merlin Flash Rouse)Sami is an amazing example of the breed. We are excited about her future!
Emelie Von Hirsch
Emelie Von Hirsch sired by Sting Haus of Lazic (Burning des Princes d'Aragone - Priska Haus of Lazic)IPO1 Multi Champion // Mutli sieger winner // Multiple All breed Best in Show winner. Dam is Dido Earl Antonius ~ OFA-GOOD, Sired by: Gil vom Hause Milsped INT / YU / CRO / BH /HUN / MG - CH,HD Free; ED +/-, IPO I, Romanian Sieger'04, Balkansieger 2004. Dam: Kendy Earl Antonius HD +/-; ED + ( ADRK )
AD; BH; IPO I, ADRK BH - BG Borken-Burlo, ADRK ZTP - BG Fuldabrück, Chempion of Serbia, Champion of Romania,INTER Champion. Kendy is sired by ADRK 100974,SchH/VPG III, IPO III, ZTP, AD, BH CLIFF von der Königskanzel. Emelie is our new hope!